Sunday, October 30, 2016

ApneaRX vs SnoreRX

The ApneaRX and SnoreRX are both classified as MADs (mandibular advancement devices).

My experience with each of them is similar to most consumers: both MAD devices do an excellent job.

The SnoreRX has a significant advantage over the ApneaRX due to its sleeker design, more customizable fit, and its lower cost.

SnoreRX vs ApneaRX

Snoring Mouthpieces Compared

  ApneaRX SnoreRX
Device Classification MAD MAD (fixed jaw)
Fitting Process Boil and Bite Boil and Bite plus Flex Jaw, (ten, 1 mm settings to provide a more customized fit)
Cleaning Toothbrush and toothpaste with periodic denture tablets Denture tablets plus it requires disassembly for a complete cleaning
Versions One version, prescription required One version, over-the-counter
Price $149.00 with free shipping $99.00, plus $10 shipping
My Review N/A SnoreRX Review


The prescription-only ApneaRX functions like all MAD devices. The ApneaRX forces the lower jaw into a forward position to reduce the risk of obstructions in the airway.

The device comes with an adjustment key that allows users to slightly move the jaw a few millimeters at a time.

It is one of the most successful obstructive sleep apnea treatments on the market.

ApneaRX Review

The ApneaRX Experience

I visited my dentist to get my ApneaRX prescription. Finally, after over a week of waiting, the ApneaRX arrived in the mail.

After doing a boil and bite method, the device fit somewhat uncomfortably in my mouth. The first night, I could barely fall asleep because the constraint on my mouth. I kept waking up in the middle of the night to attempt minor adjustments on the device but could not get the increments right. However, my son reported that he did not hear any snoring coming from our bedroom.

Three days later, the soreness became much less intense and after five days, the slight pain was gone.

Cleaning was a little more annoying as I had to get into all of the cracks and crevices with a toothbrush, plus periodically use a denture tablet.


The SnoreRX has a much different design compared to other MADs. The overall look gives you the impression, which is true, that the SnoreRX incorporates more sophisticated technology than other MADs do.

One of the more user-friendly features is the ability to precisely adjust the SnoreRX to your mouth. It uses boil and bite method, but also has a calibrator with ten different, 1 mm apart, settings. You can utilize the calibrator even with the boil and bit fitting feature to further customize your fit.

My SnoreRX Experience

Ordering two allows a significant discount. The $99 price drops to $77 each, plus the $10 shipping.

The fitting options were slightly overwhelming. My wife and I used the boil and bite fitting method, but then spent some time trying to get the perfect fit by using the calibrator function too.

My mouth was a bit sore after the first night’s use but my wife reported she felt fine. Both of us had a good nights rest.

The biggest issue I had with the SnoreRX was the cleaning process. The process took longer than expected. All the nooks and crannies required more attention than just dropping it in a glass of warm water and adding a cleaning tablet.

The second night I adjusted my SnoreRX slightly using the calibrators. This made a huge difference as the next day my mouth was much less sore.

My wife and I both agree that the SnoreRX, despite its rather bulky appearance, is very comfortable to wear.

My Recommendation

Both devices are comfortable to use and function as designed. However, SnoreRX comes out ahead for several reasons. The customizable design of the SnoreRX meant that it was less uncomfortable and sore when compared to the simple boil and bite of the ApneaRX. The SnoreRX is a much more cost effective and comfortable option, so it is an easy choice to make between the two.

However, when compared to the ApneaRX, the SnoreRX is a lot more complicated to clean with a complete disassembly and denture tablets.  Use a SnoreRX coupon code if purchasing.

If you need to treat your Sleep Apnea, talk to your dentist about the ApneaRX.  

The post ApneaRX vs SnoreRX appeared first on Snoring HQ.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Ripsnore vs SnoreMender

These two MADs (mandibular advancement devices) made by Ripsnore and SnoreMender both work with varying degrees of success.

My wife and I slept wonderfully while using the SnoreMender but the bulky and ill-fitting Ripsnore presented many challenges throughout the night. If it is a choice between the Ripsnore and SnoreMender, seriously consider using SnoreMender.

Ripsnore vs SnoreMender

Snoring Mouthpieces Compared

  Ripsnore SnoreMender
Device Classification MAD MAD
Fitting Process Boil and Bite None
Versions Boil and Bite Two sizes
Price $67 version includes free shipping $57 plus shipping
My Review Ripsnore review SnoreMender review

You will need to ensure that the fitting process is done correctly with both devices. Understanding several important details about both devices will help you make a decision to suit your needs.


Using technology similar to many MADs, the Ripsnore pushes the lower jaw forward to open your airway.

Despite company claims, the Ripsnore has not gained approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), only the plastic that it is built from has.

Ripsnore mouthpiece review

My Ripsnore Experience

I was forced to wait much longer than most of the other devices for the Ripsnore to arrive. The minute I opened the box, my wife and I could immediately see that the mouthpieces were way too large.

After three different tries with the boil-and-bite fitting method, I finally managed a comfortable fit. My wife could not wear the device at all because the bulky size kept making her gag each time she attempted to fit it.

The first night did not end up well for me. As a result of the size and awkward structure of the Ripsnore, it kept falling out of my mouth and onto the floor. During the few times that I could briefly get it into place, I drooled all over my pillow. From the time that I started sleeping, it only took two hours for the Ripsnore to move out of place and fall out of my mouth. I woke up in the middle of the night, several times, to rinse it off and put it back in. After the third time, I just left it out.

My wife and I were both very tired the next morning after a very poor night’s sleep.

I was happy that the cleaning process is very simple but this benefit is minor given the ineffectiveness of the product overall.


Using MAD technology, the SnoreMender advances your lower jaw and provides a comfortable fit thanks to the soft, flexible construction.

The hinged design means that you can easily open and close your mouth. In addition, the air holes in the mouthpiece allow you to breathe through your mouth.

SnoreMender PS Review

My SnoreMender Experience

The SnoreMender took four days to arrive after I placed the order.

When I first put the SnoreMender into my mouth, I was surprised how comfortable it felt. I realized that this model features Pressure Shift (PS) technology, which redistributes the entire burden of the device to your stronger middle teeth, which makes for a more comfortable experience.

My wife snored softly the first few nights though she said she heard no snoring sounds coming from me. My jaw was a little sore but after the third night, the soreness was gone.

After the two-week trial, we both were very happy with the SnoreMender. The construction even makes it possible for you to talk normally while wearing it. People with a deviated septum or who have illnesses will prefer the SnoreMender as it allows you breathe through your mouth.

Cleaning was a very quick process. The soft, one-piece construction took almost no effort at all. You just need to scrub it with a toothbrush and a little dish soap.

My Recommendation

The biggest disadvantages to the Ripsnore are the size and the fitting process. My wife would have been significantly less irritated those first few nights if it had a more specialized and comfortable design.

Both the SnoreMender and the Ripsnore are equally easy to clean and take very little time.

The Ripsnore is uncomfortable and bulky. I recommend that you choose another model that prioritizes functionality and comfort, such as the SnoreMender with Pressure Shift technology.  If you buy either snoring mouthpiece, make sure to check out my Ripsnore coupon and SnoreMender coupon pages.

Ripsnore Vs SnoreMender
2.4 Reviewer
0 0 votes
Easy to Clean
Value (Price)
Easy to Breath
Company Reputation
3.1 Reviewer
0 0 votes
Easy to Clean
Value (Price)
Easy to Breath
Company Reputation

The post Ripsnore vs SnoreMender appeared first on Snoring HQ.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Good Morning Snore Solution vs VitalSleep

The Good Morning Snore Solution and the VitalSleep use two different methods to prevent you from snoring. The Good Morning Snore Solution is a TRD (tongue retaining device) and the VitalSleep is an MAD (mandibular advancement device).

Both devices stopped my wife and me from snoring. The ease of fitting and cleaning the Good Morning Snore Solution made it our favorite of the two.

Good Morning Snore Solution vs VitalSleep

Snoring Mouthpieces Compared

  Good Morning Snore Solution VitalSleep
Device Classification TRD MAD (with side-to-side jaw motion design)
Fitting Process None Boil and Bite plus lower jaw adjustments up to 7 mm
Cleaning Denture tablets Toothbrush and toothpaste
Versions One version Two sizes: Large for men and small for women
Price $99.94 plus $10 shipping $59.95 (currently on sale)
My Review GMSS review VitalSleep review

For me, the snoring mouthpiece of the Good Morning Snore solution took a little more work than the other one, but it really depends on the individual. Make sure to read up on my commentary and experience in using each one to figure out whether the Good Morning Snore Solution or the VitalSleep is appropriate for your needs.

Good Morning Snore Solution

The Good Morning Snore Solution has a peculiar-looking shape compared to some of the other anti-snoring devices. This irregularity is due to the fact that it is a TRD, so it does not always need to conform perfectly to your mouth.

It comes with a small suction bulb that you attach to the tip of your tongue. After you squeeze the bulb, the suction keeps the device in place on your tongue. By stopping your tongue from falling back into your throat while you sleep, it prevents you from snoring.

All you have to do to clean it is drop it into a denture solution.

The GMSS Experience

My wife and I bought two of the devices. They arrived within three days. Since I was used to the boil and fit and adjusting MADs, the TRD was simple to use. All we had to do was simply squeeze the bulb and attach it to the tip of our tongue.

I was shocked the next morning to find that it had stayed on the whole night. My wife and I awoke refreshed and our son reported no sounds of snoring coming from the bedroom the previous night. However, my tongue was quite sore.

By the fourth night, I had no soreness at all.

One problem that might be an issue for some users: you have to breathe using your nose when using the Good Morning Snore Solution. Unlike many MADs, there are no air holes that would allow you to breathe with your mouth as well.


VitalSleep pushes our lower jaw forward and holds it in place. This keeps your airway clear when you sleep.

You need a toothbrush and toothpaste to properly clean it.

My VitalSleep Experience

The first thing I did when my VitalSleep orders arrived, one large for me and one small for my wife, was clean them both with warm water and dish soap. Then, my wife and I used the boil and fit method to customize the devices. Before the first night, we used the included hex tool (something else to worry about misplacing) to fit the units to our jaws.

After the first night, we both very refreshed. My teenage son told us that he did not hear any snoring coming from our room. My mouth was a little sore but after making a few small adjustments the rest of the week it felt completely normal.

My biggest complaint was the cleaning process. You really cannot get the device properly cleaned without spending some extra time ensuring that you have carefully brushed every cranny and crack.

My Recommendation

Good Morning Snore Solutions and the VitalSleep provide very comfortable fits, as long as you take the time to adjust them. People who have a tendency to grind his or her teeth might want to consider the VitalSleep.

Especially those who tend to bite his or her tongue in their sleep, may find the Good Morning Snore Solution a more suitable purchase.  Check my GMSS Coupon and VitalSleep discount pages for savings.

VitalSleep vs GMSS
4.2 Reviewer
0 0 votes
Easy to Clean
Value (Price)
Easy to Breath
Company Reputation
4.4 Reviewer
0 0 votes
Easy to Clean
Value (Price)
Easy to Breath
Company Reputation

The post Good Morning Snore Solution vs VitalSleep appeared first on Snoring HQ.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

aveoTSD vs CPAP

CPAPs (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) are devices that push air through your airway to ensure it is open and to prevent snoring. AveoTSD is a tongue retention device or TRD that is a one-size-fits-all anti-snore product. It forces your tongue to maintain an advanced position in your mouth to keep your air passage open.

CPAP machines include several parts such as a hose, mask, and filter, and need battery or AC power to function. The AveoTSD is composed of one piece of malleable plastic that has an upper and lower jaw in addition to a tongue storage chamber.

aveoTSD vs CPAP

Snoring Solutions Compared

  aveoTSD CPAP
Device Classification TRD Airway pump/continuous positive air pressure machine
Fitting Process None Manual adjustment of the mask straps and nose fitting
Cleaning Warm water and dish soap Disassembly and washing each part in warm, soapy water
Versions One Size Fits All Various
Price $100 $200-$3000
My Review aveoTSD Review N/A

People suffering from severe sleep apnea frequently choose CPAPs. However, a TRD, like AveoTSD, more often than not, prevents people from snoring as well.


The AveoTSD is very simple to use and comes in one piece. It is constructed with soft malleable plastic. There are upper and lower jaw sections in addition to a tongue holding component. After you have put the device in your mouth, you slightly adjust the tightness of the tongue-holding section so that it stays in place.

You are required to get a doctor’s prescription in order to purchase an AveoTSD. Visit your primary care physician to get an evaluation. Usually, the process takes a little over a week.

After you get a prescription, you can purchase the AveoTSD online and it will ship immediately.

To clean the device, simply wash it with warm water and dish soap.

aveoTSD cleaning

My aveoTSD Experience

Initially, the tongue storage chamber caused a bit of soreness and drooling but after minor tongue adjustments, the device fit very comfortably in my mouth. My wife and I struggled a bit to determine what the perfect amount of tongue suction should be but eventually figured it out.

We appreciated how easy it was to clean with soapy warm water.

Thanks to the TRD, the AveoTSD almost always eliminates snoring.


The CPAP is easy to use but arrives in pieces that must be assembled. There is a filter, mask, tubing, and the actual air pump/machine. You must put the mask over your head and insert the nasal plugs into your nostrils. After the device has been set up, you adjust the plugs and straps, and then turn the machine on.

To clean, you disassemble and wash with soapy, warm water.

It may be necessary to buy an expensive CPAP humidifier, which stops dry air from going down your airway, as many find breathing the dry air all night very uncomfortable.

CPAP Device

My CPAP Experience

Similar to the AveoTSD, you are required to have a doctor’s prescription to purchase a CPAP. If you do not go to your own primary care physician for a sleep assessment, many times CPAP companies will provide you a questionnaire to fill out and their doctors will make an evaluation. Usually, the process to get approved takes about one week to ten days.

After you get a prescription, you can buy the device online and they will ship it immediately.

To clean it, first you have to disconnect all of the hoses and the mask, and remove the filter from the machine. Then you clean each segment with soapy warm water. Consider wiping down the machine with a mildly damp cloth. Most users clean their CPAPs every other day.

The CPAP virtually always eliminates snoring. If you wear the mask properly and have it adjusted according to your specific measurements, it works extremely well.

My Recommendation

The AveoTSD costs much less than a CPAP. Unless your insurance pays for a large portion of the cost, the CPAP is a very expensive option. The AveoTSD only needs warm water and hand soap to clean whereas the CPAP requires disassembly and cleaning each part every other day. If you have a CPAP, due to the various components that make up the device you run the risk of damaging one and being forced to pay for a replacement.

If your doctor recommends getting a CPAP as a result of a diagnosis of sleep apnea, then get a CPAP. Since it is a medical necessity, you likely will not have to worry about the costs, as most insurance companies will pay for all or part of the total price.

The post aveoTSD vs CPAP appeared first on Snoring HQ.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Stop Snoring Today vs PureSleep

Both the Stop Snoring Today chinstrap and the PureSleep MADs (mandibular advancement device) are effective treatments against snoring.

My wife and I decided to go with the PureSleep since it was much more comfortable and effective than the Stop Snoring Today.

Stop Snoring Today vs PureSleep

Snoring Mouthpieces Compared

  Stop Snoring Today PureSleep
Device Classification Chin Strap MAD
Fitting Process None Boil and Bite (upper and lower piece fitted separately)
Versions Available in two sizes One
Price $99.95, with two chin straps $59.95, plus $9.99 shipping
My Review Stop Snoring Today review PureSleep Review

You have to be careful with the fitting process, as detailed in the instructions, before you attempt to use either product.

Stop Snoring Today

The Stop Snoring Today supports specific muscles and tissues in your throat, which opens your jaw and allows you to keep your airway clear while you are sleeping.

This device helps to eliminate the snoring sound but many users have complained about the lack of user customization and frequent soreness due to the tight strap.

My Stop Snoring Today Experience

After ordering two Stop Snoring Today chin straps online, my wife and I waited over two weeks for the package to arrive from Israel.

As soon as I opened the box, I knew that we were going to have difficulty fitting the straps due to the one-size fits all design. We have different head sizes so mine ended up being too tight and hers kept coming off every few hours.

The next morning, we felt exhausted and the strap left a lasting soreness on both of our heads. Our teenage son said that we had kept him up all night due to our snoring. I tried readjusting the chinstrap the next two nights but it only ended up increasing the soreness and only partially reducing the snoring.

My wife and I liked the fact that all you had to do to clean it was throw it in the washing machine. However, since it is a tight strap, we felt an obligation to clean it frequently since it kept getting sweaty.


PureSleep arrives in two parts: one piece is designed to fit the upper jaw and the other to the lower. Once you figure out the most comfortable fit, you use the boil and bite fitting method. This means, however, that you must take extra care during the fitting process, as you cannot later adjust it after you have completed the fitting.

This device has a number of small crevices, so you must be very careful when cleaning.

PureSleep Reviews

My PureSleep Experience

Ordering and shipping took significantly longer than it did for the other anti-snoring devices I have used. Initially, it took out some time to fill out the 21-question form. I did not mind this very much as I wanted to verify that I was a good fit for the product. The two-week shipping time, however, made both my wife and I somewhat annoyed.

I knew about the boil and bite fitting process so we took our time making sure we had the correct initial adjustments. Some other devices are a little more forgiving of mistakes. With many other products, if it does not fit right, I always had the option to adjust it the next day. This is not possible with the PureSleep.

The first night went well for me. I woke up refreshed and my mouth did not feel too sore. My wife, however, had some pain in her mouth and I think it was because she could not get the right initial fit. However, after three or four days, she no longer experienced soreness and slept without any problems.

My son told us, after the first night, that he did not hear any snoring sounds coming from our room when we wore the PureSleep.

My wife and I did not enjoy dealing with the complicated cleaning process. It took a lot longer than with most other devices due to the customized design and elaborate openings.

My Recommendation

The biggest drawbacks of the PureSleep include the fitting process and the elaborate cleaning. My wife would have been a lot happier those first few nights if she had been able to adjust the PureSleep to her exact specifications.

With the Stop Snoring Today, you will pay more money for a product that is, at least for my wife and me, ineffective and, at times, painful.  If you decide to purchase make sure to visit my PureSleep coupon page.

PureSleep vs Stop Snoring Today
A Effectiveness
B Comfort
C Easy to Clean
D Value (Price)
E Durability
F Easy to Breath
G Company Reputation
4 Reviewer
0 0 votes
4.1 Reviewer
0 0 votes

The post Stop Snoring Today vs PureSleep appeared first on Snoring HQ.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Tap 3 Elite vs SnoreRX

The Tap 3 Elite and SnoreRX are both classified as MADs (mandibular advancement devices).

My experience with each of them is similar to most consumers: both MAD devices do an excellent job.

The Tap 3 Elite has a significant edge over the SnoreRX, however, due to its sleeker design, more customized fit, and ease of wearing. However, the cost and hassle of getting one mean that many will choose the equally effective SnoreRX.

SnoreRX vs Tap 3 Elite

Snoring Mouthpieces Compared

  Tap 3 Elite SnoreRX
Device Classification MAD MAD (fixed jaw)
Fitting Process Done by a dentist Boil and Bite plus Flex Jaw, (ten, 1 mm settings to provide a more customized fit)
Cleaning Warm water and dish soap Denture tablets plus it requires disassembly for a complete cleaning
Versions One version, prescription required One version, over-the-counter
Price $2,000-$3,000, including dentist fees $99.00, plus $10 shipping
My Review N/A SnoreRX Review

Tap 3 Elite

The prescription-only Tap 3 Elite functions like all MAD devices. The Tap 3 Elite forces the lower jaw into a forward position to reduce the risk of obstructions in the airway.

The device comes with an adjustment key that allows users to slightly move the jaw a few millimeters at a time.

It is one of the most successful obstructive sleep apnea treatments available.

Tap 3 Elite Review

The Tap 3 Elite Experience

I visited my dentist to get my Tap 3 Elite properly fitted. After taking imprints of my teeth, my dentist sent the results to a laboratory so that the company could design a custom fit. Due to the required prescription and fitting, the wait time to have the Tap 3 Elite was over two weeks.

Once it arrived, the device fit into my mouth near perfectly. The first night, I got a great nights’ sleep wearing the Tap 3 Elite. I awoke refreshed and my son told my wife and me that he did not hear any snoring coming from our bedroom.

I had a mildly sore mouth for the first couple days but after a few minor adjustments with the included tool, the soreness disappeared.

Cleaning was easy, as it only required warm water and dish soap. The sleek design did not require any additional scrubbing or removal of parts.

After the month trial period, I decided to keep wearing the Tap 3 Elite system due to the superb results.

See how Tap 3 Elite stacks up against other mouthpieces.


The SnoreRX has a much different design compared to other MADs. The overall look gives you the impression, which is true, that the SnoreRX incorporates more sophisticated technology than other over-the-counter MADs do.

One of the more user-friendly features is the ability to precisely adjust the SnoreRX to your mouth. It uses boil and bite method, but also has a calibrator with ten different, 1 mm apart, settings. You can utilize the calibrator even with the boil and bit fitting feature to further customize your fit.

My SnoreRX Experience

Ordering two allows a significant discount. The $99 price drops to $77 each, plus the $10 shipping.

The fitting options were slightly overwhelming. My wife and I used the boil and bite fitting method, but then spent some time trying to get the perfect fit by using the calibrator function too.

My mouth was a bit sore after the first night’s use but my wife reported she felt fine. Both of us had a good nights’ rest.

The biggest issue I had with the SnoreRX was the cleaning process. The process took longer than expected. All the nooks and crannies required more attention than just dropping it in a glass of warm water and adding a cleaning tablet.

The second night I adjusted my SnoreRX slightly using the calibrators. This made a huge difference as the next day my mouth was much less sore.

My wife and I both agree that the SnoreRX, despite its rather bulky appearance, is very comfortable to wear.

My Recommendation

Both devices are comfortable to use and function as designed. However, Tap 3 Elite comes out ahead for several reasons. The Tap 3 Elite customized design means it is less bulky and much more comfortable to wear. I did not need to spend as much time cleaning the Tap 3 Elite, as there are fewer cracks and crevices than on the SnoreRX. However, the Tap 3 Elite is significantly more expensive and takes much longer to arrive. If you need to treat your Sleep Apnea, talk to your dentist about the Tap 3 Elite.

If you are willing to sacrifice comfort and convenience for affordability, the SnoreRX price is a better bargain.

Check out the SnoreRX discount coupon if you plan to purchase.

The post Tap 3 Elite vs SnoreRX appeared first on Snoring HQ.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

SnoreRX vs SnoreMender

My experience with the SnoreRX and the SnoreMender is similar to that of a majority of consumers: both MAD devices do a good job in stopping a person from snoring.

There are few differences between the two models that are important to note when considering which one to purchase.

SnoreRX vs SnoreMender

Snoring Mouthpieces Compared

  SnoreRX SnoreMender
Device Classification MAD (fixed jaw) MAD
Fitting Process Boil and Bite plus Flex Jaw, (ten, 1 mm settings to provide a more customized fit) None
Versions One version, over-the-counter Two sizes
Price $99.00, plus $10 shipping $57 plus shipping
My Review SnoreRX Review SnoreMender review

Understanding several important details about both devices will help you make an informed decision to determine the device that best suits your needs.


Using MAD technology, the SnoreMender moves your lower jaw forward and allows for a comfortable fit as a result of the soft, flexible construction.

The hinged design allows you to easily open and close your mouth. In addition, the air holes in the mouthpiece means you can breathe through your mouth all night long.

SnoreMender PS Review

My SnoreMender Experience

After ordering the SnoreMender, it quickly arrived in four days.

When I first put the SnoreMender into my mouth, I was surprised how little soreness I felt. I realized that this model features Pressure Shift (PS) technology, which redistributes the entire burden to the strong middle teeth.

My wife reported that she could not hear any snoring sounds coming from me. My jaw was a little sore but after the third night, the feeling was gone.

After the two-week trial, we both were very happy with the SnoreMender. The construction even makes it possible for you to talk normally while wearing it. People with a deviated septum or who have illnesses will prefer the SnoreMender as it allows you breathe through your mouth and keep your air passage clear.

Cleaning was a very quick process. The soft, one-piece construction took almost no effort at all to scrub with a toothbrush and a little dish soap.  See how Snoremender compares to other mouthpieces.


The SnoreRX looks, due to its advanced technology and manufacturing, visually has a different look that other MADs.

The ability of the user to obtain a custom fit makes the SnoreRX very attractive to many. You use the boil and bite to obtain a reasonably good fit, and then the special calibrator set at very precise intervals allows you to further adjust until it fits your mouth perfectly.

My SnoreRX Experience

If you have a family member or spouse that might need an anti-snore device, you probably want to order two. Instead of paying $99 plus shipping, the price drops over $20 to $77 when ordering more than one at a time.

You need to have some patience with the fitting process. The boil and bite process is fairly easy, but trying to find that perfect fit with the calibrating function can take time.

My wife and I slept very soundly the first night using the device. I had some soreness in my mouth in the morning, but my wife must have done a better job fitting hers correctly the first time as she said she felt fine.

However, after making another adjustment, the next night’s use resulted in no pain at all when I woke up.

Cleaning took quite a while. The cracks and crevices due to the modernistic design made the scrubbing process a bit lengthy in comparison to other devices.

Overall, my wife and I found the SnoreRX experience to be a good one. Wearing it was comfortable and it did its job and kept us both from snoring.

My Recommendation

Both devices function as designed. However, the SnoreRX comes out ahead for several reasons. The SnoreRX’s hybrid and sleek design means it is less bulky and more unobtrusive to wear. In addition, you will not have to worry about soreness as much due to the ability to make fine adjustments.

If you are looking for an easier cleaning process, then you may want to choose the SnoreMender over the SnoreRX.  Check out the SnoreRX coupon and SnoreMender coupon if you plan to purchase.

SnoreRX vs SnoreMender
3.1 Reviewer
0 0 votes
Easy to Clean
Value (Price)
Easy to Breath
Company Reputation
4.1 Reviewer
0 0 votes
Easy to Clean
Value (Price)
Easy to Breath
Company Reputation

The post SnoreRX vs SnoreMender appeared first on Snoring HQ.