Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Creator Behind ProSnore

ProSnore Dr. GregersonOne of the attractions to the ProSnore mouthpiece is that it was developed with the help of an established dentist, but if you do a little digging, you can’t help but question the validity of this statement. It is suggested that ProSnore was developed first and then the dentist was recruited to help with the design of the second generation one. Either way, this mysterious dentist that is responsible for bringing attention to these mouthpieces is Dr. Gregerson.

Gregerson practiced dentistry for 30 years prior to this. He was president of the Utah Dental Association and served on the board of the American Dental Association. With all of these claims about Gregerson it is surprising that finding actual evidence to support them is not very easy.

Also, if these devices were created by a dentist, then why aren’t they approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration? You would think that a dentist would go through the proper channels to have a product cleared for safety and effectiveness, if they were going to put their reputation on a product.

Interestingly, the Better Business Bureau has no record of this company either. As of August 2015, ProSnore has seemed to disappear. You can sometimes catch the devices on eBay, but the actual company has become nonexistent. There is rumor that ProSnore is working on a new device and will surface again when it is complete. There are others who believe the makers behind ProSnore will reappear under a different name. Only time will tell what’s really in store for this company and its products.  If you’re looking for more information on the actual product check out our ProSnore review.

The post The Creator Behind ProSnore appeared first on Snoring HQ.

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