Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Creator Behind SleepTight Mouthpiece

SleepTight Founder Dr Mike WilliamsIt is always comforting to see that a snoring mouthpiece has been designed by a doctor, dentist, or sleep specialist. This is one of the things I like about the SleepTight Mouthpiece.

US dentist Dr Mike Williams is the creator behind this mandibular advancement device (MAD). He is a UK researcher and developer of mouthpieces and a member of the well-respected American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Dr. Williams began seeking alternatives to snoring surgery more than a decade ago. He was a longtime snorer and had even undergone multiple surgeries, but unfortunately experienced no relief.

Williams earned his DDS from the University of Tennessee in 1970, and before retiring in 2005 had more than 30 years of experience in cosmetic dentistry.

Before starting his online retail business he spent five years focusing on mouthpieces, mouth guards, and teeth-whitening products. He founded SleepTight out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and registered his website in 2013. He then applied to have his product cleared by the FDA, and patiently awaited another year until it was officially cleared.

Importance of FDA Clearance

Many people assume that all snoring devices are FDA-cleared. After all, they wouldn’t be for sale, if they hadn’t been recognized as safe, right? Well, not quite. There are a lot of products available for sale that have not been cleared, so if this is important to you then make sure the device you choose has officially been found safe.

FDA-approval was important to Williams, which is why he waited to offer his product to the public until it was official.

The post The Creator Behind SleepTight Mouthpiece appeared first on Snoring HQ.

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