Friday, October 9, 2015

Stop Snoring Today Review

Stop Snoring Today Chinstrap ReviewThe idea that a piece of special fabric wrapped around your head could actually be your snoring solution is probably difficult to process. You may even assume this is a joke, but it’s not. All those thoughts of excitement, confusion, and disbelief were how I felt when I first found out about these products, as well.

If you look at Stop Snoring Today, you can clearly see that is a black piece of material trimmed in light blue. It covers the entire chin and the opposite end wraps around the crown of your head. There is a hole strategically placed on each side of the device for your ears, and there are adjustable straps that allow you to alter the sizing just a bit.

Stop Snoring Today works by supporting specific muscles and tissues. When you fall asleep, your jaw opens more. This allows the tongue to fall back to your throat, which causes an obstruction in the airway. Now, not only is the airway limiting the amount of air it can take in; your body is being forced to exhale through this obstruction, too. As the air is pushed through it causes soft tissues to vibrate, which causes the snoring sound.

Stop Snoring Today provides support to muscles and tissues of your throat, inner mouth, and tongue. By holding everything in place the airway is kept open to prevent tissues from touching, thereby preventing snoring.

By doing this, you increase oxygen levels and improve REM sleep while reducing blood pressure and diminishing daytime fatigue.

Now, I probably should mention that this is a one-size-fits-all snoring solution, which probably already causes a red flag with you. As we all know, one size rarely fits all (in anything).

My Experience

My wife and I had tried My Snoring Solution before stumbling on Stop Snoring Today. We were both pleasantly surprised at how well it worked, so naturally we had fairly high expectations of this chin strap, as well.

As soon as I arrived to the site and discovered that Stop Snoring Today could only be purchased in one size, I knew we were going to have a problem.

If you find a picture of my wife and me together, you would understand why I say this. She is a tiny thing, and I’m pretty much the opposite. How is the same chin strap supposed to fit us both? Well, clearly, it’s not.

I ordered one of each and they did ship to us fairly quickly, but it still took almost two weeks to arrive because the package was being sent from Israel. Unlike a mouthpiece that usually needs to be fitted to even wear or washed at the very least, Stop Snoring Today devices arrive ready to wear, so we removed them from their box and tried them right away.

My wife’s was sloppy and mine felt like it was squeezing my brain. With the help of a couple hair clips we were able to get my wife’s somewhat secure. As for mine, I pulled and pulled to stretch it just a bit. Finally, I just put it on and went to bed. The adjustable straps did not make the chin strap small enough for her or large enough for me.

I woke up a few hours after I went to sleep. I’m not sure if my wife’s snoring woke me or the fact that my eyeballs felt like they might pop right out of my head, if I didn’t get that thing off. I took it off and went to sleep.

She was in bed at 7:15 still when my alarm went off, and she is always up well before me, making breakfast and putting coffee on. So for her to still be in bed, she had to have been exhausted. I felt the same way. In addition to feeling as though I didn’t get one minute of quality sleep. My head was pounding, which I was positive was due to wearing that chin strap.

Determined to give this device a fair chance, I brainstormed all day, trying to figure out what to do with it. I remembered reading before that to stretch out a pair of shoes a bit you should add water to the inside and outside and wear them around the house. So, I figured if I got the chin strap wet and wore it then it might stretch enough to be comfortable. I took it off periodically to manually stretch it, as well, and then I left it hanging to dry.

That night we made my wife’s a little tighter. Mine still felt a bit small, but it was not nearly as bad as the night before. In the morning, I actually felt well-rested, but my head was pounding. I decided I would try stretching it out more later. My wife said her chin strap fell off. Unless one of us was getting out a needle and thread to make it significantly smaller, this product was just not going to work for her. She did say that when she got up to let the dog out, I was not snoring at all.

The third night was either going to be a strikeout or a homerun for me. I simply was not prepared to go another day with a headache. It did stop my snoring once again, but the following morning, I decided to throw in the towel on this one. It would be a great product, if my head was smaller or the device came in multiple sizes.

Let’s Talk Price

One of the great things about Stop Snoring Today is that you get two chin straps. The bad thing is that you can’t order only one. If you have a friend or family member who also snores then the two of you could go in on the order together. Alternately, if you spend the night at a partner’s home sometimes, you could leave the extra one there. Otherwise, you just have an extra one to stash away for when you need it.

It should also be noted that shipping is free internationally. Stop Snoring Today is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. You have to request a return number, which you can do right up until the last day of the guarantee, so you actually have a full 30 days to try it out. If you are like me, you will probably know within the first week, if the device is going to work for you.


  • Stop Snoring Today is machine washable.
  • The device is easy to put on.
  • You do not have to deal with the feeling of having a mouthpiece in your mouth.
  • Free international shipping is included in the price.
  • Unlike mouthpieces, this chin stray is suitable to be worn by individuals with dentures, bridgework, braces, and missing teeth.
  • This chin strap is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee.


  • No company information is available. There is an inquiry page to contact the company, but no physical address is provided unless you are requesting a return slip.
  • The company is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
  • Stop Snoring Today is not cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
  • You can’t order only one. $99.95 is pretty pricey, even if it does include two chin straps.
  • Return option does not include the full price. You only receive a partial refund.
  • Stop Snoring Today is only available in one size, which may be much smaller or bigger than what you need.
  • The chin strap holds your mouth closed so you are forced to breathe through your nose, which may not work for everyone.

Final Thoughts

Stop Snoring Today could be the perfect solution for the right person. Since it is only available in one size, you need an average size head for it to work for you. Unfortunately, I don’t really fall into the average category, and neither does my wife.

Another thing I am not crazy about is that there is no physical address readily available on the site for the company. Plus, the product is not cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the business is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau. Of course, these are points one may be willing to overlook for the “right” product.

If you want to try a chin strap, but you think your head is smaller or larger than average, I recommend trying My Snoring Solution. It is available in three sizes, and it is a product that we had success with.  Otherwise checkout my snoring mouthpiece reviews page for other options.

The post Stop Snoring Today Review appeared first on Snoring HQ.

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